

Go through the stock until you get to the  6.

Take the 7 off the build and put it on the  8.

Take the  6 off the stock and put it on the 7.

Take the  2 off the stock and put it on the build (this isn’t part of the solution, it’s just a good move).

Go through the rest of the stock, then back to the start.

Take the  J off the stock and put it on the Q.

Take the  6 off the build and put it on the 7.

Take the 5 off the build and put it on the  6.

Take the  4 off the stock and put it on the 5.

Go through the rest of the stock, then back to the start. The first three cards you deal will have the 5 on top. Put it on the  6.

Take the 4 off its pile and put it on the 5.

Then turn over the new card that’s exposed.

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