This page was revised on September 3, 2006.
The 4x4 cover maze previously here was replaced
by a new maze created by Andrea Gilbert.

The Garden of the Fearsome Snakes:

You wish to travel through the Garden of the Fearsome Snakes, going from Start to Goal. The snakes won't bite you as long as you step over them in the proper order. Begin by stepping over the red snake at the bottom, then step over a green snake, then a yellow snake, then red, then green, then yellow, and so on. Don't step over the black circles or outside the black lines.

Answer, page 00
A larger garden, page 00

Note: I can't draw snakes; so you'll have to assume the colored lines are snakes.

Solution to the Cover Snake Maze:

Maze design by Andrea Gilbert, drawing by xxx

From Start travel north over a red snake, then continue north over a green snake, then east, north, west, west, west, north, west. You are now on the square next to the goal but you can't step over the yellow snake next to the goal. Next go south, south, east, south, east, east, east, north, west, west, north, west, north, east, north.

The Larger Garden of the Fearsome Snakes: This has the same rules as the maze on the cover. Maze by Andrea Gilbert,

Solution to the Larger Snakes Maze:

From Start travel north over a red snake, then continue north over a green snake, then west, south, east, east, north, north, north, east, north, west, west. We have now reached the square next to the goal but we can't step over the yellow snake next to the goal. Next go south, south, west, west, north, north, east, east. Once again we have reached the square next to the goal, and again we can't step over that pesky yellow snake. Next go east, south, west, west, west, south, south, south, east, north, north, north, east, north. Finally, we're in the square next to the goal and we can go north over the yellow snake and reach the goal.

Notes on the Snakes Mazes: There is a possibility that Andrea could create a Java program for the GAMES web site. It would be an interactive version of the two mazes here plus a few more with the same rules.

Andrea originally created this maze as a walk-on maze. She used it at a neighborhood festival near her home in England, and she took this photo:

Andrea originally created this maze as a walk-on maze. She used it at a neighborhood festival near her home in England, and she took the photo shown at the right.

I got involved with Andrea's maze because she let me use it in my catalog of walk-through mazes-with-rules. If you want to check out that catalog, it is at It is password-protected, so you have to enter user name: cornflake and password: cornpuff. In the catalog, Andrea's maze is referred to as "The Garden Hose Maze."

Any payment for the maze should go to Andrea and your contract should be signed by her.

Her address is:

Little Court House
Ferry Lane
Oxon OX10 9JF, UK.
Web site:

Andrea also has mazes that would work well in GAMES' Pencilwise section.

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