This maze was revised on November 30, 2006.
I added a red arc just under GOAL. It creates a
little more complexity, and I think it looks good.

Color Switching Maze:

Travel along the colored paths from Start to Goal. At each circle, change to a path of a different color—any different color. U-turns are prohibited. Hint and answer page 00

Hint for the Color Switching maze: The path to the goal doubles back on itself. But wait, you say, how can I double back if U-turns are prohibited? Well, what you have to do is find a loop, travel around the loop, and that will get you turned around.

Solution to the Color Switching maze: After Start we go through the dots with these letters: F-E-D-C-B-A-J-I-H-Q-R-K-L-R. The last three dots took us around a loop, and an alternate way around is L-K-R. We now retrace our path in the opposite direction: Q-H-I-J-A-B-C-D-E-F. At this point we stop retracing and go: O-N-M-Goal.

Notes on the Color Switching maze: My name for this maze is pretty bad. I hope you can think of something better. This maze is quite easy and doesn't really need a hint, but I supplied a hint just because I thought it was interesting to read.

Letters are in the maze diagram only because they are used in the solution. I could write the solution in a fashion that would allow you to get rid of the letters. But maybe the letters look okay.

The origin of the Color Switching maze: The rules and the layout are original with me. The layout looks like the type of color mazes in which you follow a sequence of colors, but it is really quite different. In color-sequence mazes you can't do the doubling back trick that I use here. However, the color-sequence mazes generally can be more complex than these color-switching mazes.

I used these color-switching rules in two of my walk-through mazes-with-rules. Those mazes were rather rectangular. The maze here is the first time I tried something circular. Except for my on-line catalog of walk-through mazes, these rules have never been published anywhere.

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